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VIN ROUGE AOP CHAMBOLLE-MUSIGNY 1er CRU (prestigieux vin rouge de...
VIN ROSÉ TARIF DÉCOUVERTE Vin Rosé légèrement moelleux du...
VIN BLANC AOP SAINT-AUBIN (Grand vin blanc de Côte-de-Beaune en...
Digestive Verbena is a speciality of Puy-en-Velay in the heart of the Haute-Loire. La Vertueuse is a new producer, based in Yssingeaux, who produce a range of 100% artisanal eaux de vie using locally grown products. The method of making this spirit respects regional traditions. The alcohol is well present in this brandy: 35° vol. but it is not at all...
The liqueurs " LA VERTUEUSE " are mainly known for their digestive Verbena, a great classic of Haute-Loire, the famous Verneine du Puy. But this Raspberry liqueur also seduced us by its intense fruitiness associated with the power of a top-of-the-range digestive. The fruitiness surpasses the power and we sometimes find it hard to believe that we are...
DIGESTIFICATION - GENEPI - 40° vol. - THE VERTUEUSEWhen we talk about Génépi, we immediately think of our alpine heritage, the days of skiing, the superb walks and all those moments of conviviality!This Génépi made by "La Vertueuse" in their distillery is made from plants harvested in the region of Vars in the Hautes-Alpes department at an altitude of...
MINT "VERTUEUSE" - DIGESTIVE 35°.By maceration of mint leaves grown near Puy-En-Velay in the department of Haute-Loire, we obtain a fresh and natural liqueur that will delight all taste buds especially at the end of the meal!Gone are the industrial mint liqueurs (which we will not mention) which have a very high sugar content and which have the...
DIGESTIF DE HAUTE-LOIRE PRODUCTEUR : LA VERTUEUSE Édition de noël MANDARINE - 35% vol.Cette liqueur éphémère est proposée à la période de noël. Rappelant le Limoncello, mais avec les arômes de la mandarine, moins acide, on se retrouve avec une liqueur qui se déguste facilement, notamment en fin de repas avec des chocolats ou un dessert à base de...